Terms and Conditions

Boat & Jet Ski Inspection Inclusions, Exclusions, Terms & Conditions

(All Watercraft up to 8 metres in length and including valuations)

Please note that whilst every possible measure is taken by Queensland Boat Inspections (ABN: 76 980 415 462), also trading as The Boat Specialist, to relay an accurate description of any boat or jet ski package inspected or valued, our inspections are not a guarantee of condition and/or seaworthiness or a guarantee of sale value and should be used as a guide only.

All inspections offered by Queensland Boat Inspections are carried out to provide an independent opinion of the general appearance and overall condition of any package, and its inclusions, only. There is no destructive testing, dismantling of any assemblies and/or x-rays conducted so the condition of internal components cannot be verified unless there is a visible and/or audible abnormality apparent during the inspection.

Under no circumstances will any guarantees and/or warranties be implied in relation to any part of a boat or jet ski package including but not limited to the general condition, mechanical status, reliability and/or structural integrity of any part of the hull, motor/s, trailer and/or accessories.

Any fault/s, damage/s and/or issue/s noted and/or reported both verbally and/or in writing should be followed up by the appropriate trade specialist (i.e. outboard mechanic, boat builder).

As all inspections are performed by Queensland Boat Inspections out of water it is strongly recommended that any potential buyer requests a water test to ensure the performance, handling and overall satisfaction of the package is met.

Queensland Boat Inspections and/or any contractors will not be held responsible for any costs, loss and/or damages as a result of any information supplied or otherwise.

All images taken during an inspection and/or any information obtained about the package inspected, including but not limited to engine diagnostics, oil samples, moisture readings and thermal imaging results, remain the property of Queensland Boat Inspections, any fee and/or charge incurred does not give exclusive rights to inspection results and/or general information provided.

Queensland Boat Inspections reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel any booking. Any bookings cancelled that have been paid for will be refunded in full. Some examples of why Queensland Boat Inspections may cancel a booking can include seller location, seller history or a particular make/model.

Please do not make payment for your inspection until you have read the above information as payment for any inspection is acceptance of the above listed inclusions, exclusions, terms and conditions.

All valuations are carried out and any information is provided as per our (Queensland Boat Inspections – ABN 76 980 415 462) inclusions, exclusions, terms and conditions available to view on our website. 

All valuations are valid for a period of 30 days and the amount within any valuation is subject to any information relevant and/or a factor which may affect the valuation has been disclosed to Queensland Boat Inspections.

The amount specified within a valuation is based on the market value and/or sale price of comparable makes and models available at the time of valuation. Market value may be defined as: ‘The estimated amount for which an asset should be exchanged on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing, wherein both parties had acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.’

The Goods & Services Tax (GST) may have differing effects on the basis of valuations. Unless otherwise instructed any valuation has been supplied on a GST exclusive basis.

Any valuation is supplied to and for the sole use of the party to who requested the valuation. Reliance on it by any third party cannot be regarded as reasonable, and no responsibility to any third party is or will be accepted for the whole or any of the valuations contents.

The original signed and certified copy of any valuation should be considered as the only original and reliable source of information. Soft or electronic copies may be subject to manipulation outside the control of Queensland Boat Inspections.

For any further information or concerns please contact us prior to making payment for your inspection or valuation: 0411 126 287 (0411 1 BOATS)


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